Thursday, May 30, 2013

Standings thru May 29th.
- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Silverman, Alan                           18.2N                105.0
Borden, Steve                              6.9N                103.0
Jarest, Jake                               9.8N                 98.0
Black, Tom                                11.7N                 97.0
Bennerhasset, Bill                        14.7N                 93.0

Tetreault, Phil                           14.4N                 85.0
Arbige, Ray                               16.3N                 82.0
Keefe, Paula                              11.5N                 79.0
Polucha, Craig                            12.3N                 76.0
Goodrich, Bob                             12.6N                 66.0

Polucha, Jeff                              6.9N                 65.0
Benson, Glenn                             14.3N                 64.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         9.7N                 60.0
James, Pat                                 7.0N                 55.0
Reid, Steve                               10.6N                 46.0

Partridge, Tom                            17.1N                 37.0
Hackman, Ed                               12.9N                 32.0
Williams, Cindy                           19.6N                 31.0
Johnson, Bob                              14.7N                 30.0
Miller, John                              12.9N                 30.0

Polucha, Joyce                            20.2N                 23.0
Jensen, Fred                              16.6N                 16.0
Polucha, Collin                           18.2N                 14.0
Brown, Marty                              20.2N                 11.0
Chandonnet, Dave                          99.9                   0.0

May 29th, Steve Reid, after a stellar round, went on to win CTP on the 9th with a perfectly placed 7 iron - off the tree, off the fence, along the hill and dribbling up to within 22 feet of the pin.

- Scores for 05-29-13 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net    Points
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score   Today
Bennerhasset, Bill              51      14      37      17.0
Gross   7  6  6  7  6  4  5  5  5   51  

Benson, Glenn                   48      14      34      20.0
Gross   5  5  6  5  8  6  5  5  3   48  

Black, Tom                      50      11      39      15.0
Gross   5  7  5  7  4  4  7  6  5   50  

Borden, Steve                   39       7      32      22.0
Gross   5  4  5  4  5  5  5  3  3   39  

Goodrich, Bob                   55      12      43      11.0
Gross   7  7  6  7  7  4  7  6  4   55  

Hackman, Ed                     50      13      37      17.0
Gross   6  5  6  5  8  6  5  4  5   50  

Jarest, Jake                    44      10      34      20.0
Gross   5  5  5  5  6  5  5  5  3   44  

Keefe, Paula                    51      11      40      14.0
Gross   4  5  8  5  6  8  5  6  4   51  

Polucha, Craig                  51      12      39      15.0
Gross   5  5  8  5  7  6  5  6  4   51  

Polucha, Jeff                   42       7      35      19.0
Gross   4  5  5  4  6  5  5  4  4   42  

Polucha, Joyce                  69      19      50       4.0
Gross   8  8  8  8  8  8  8  7  6   69  

Reid, Steve                     53      10      43      12.0
Gross   8  6  7  6  7  5  7  5  2   53  

Silverman, Alan                 57      18      39      15.0
Gross   6  5  7  7  8  5  8  6  5   57  

Tetreault, Phil                 54      14      40      15.0
Gross   6  7  7  5  7  5 10  4  3   54  

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Standings thru may 22nd.

- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Silverman, Alan                           18.1N                 90.0
Arbige, Ray                               16.3N                 82.0
Black, Tom                                11.7N                 82.0
Borden, Steve                              8.3N                 81.0
Jarest, Jake                              11.7N                 78.0

Bennerhasset, Bill                        15.7N                 76.0
Tetreault, Phil                           15.0N                 70.0
Keefe, Paula                              10.7N                 65.0
Polucha, Craig                            12.0N                 61.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         9.7N                 60.0

Goodrich, Bob                             12.0N                 55.0
James, Pat                                 7.0N                 55.0
Polucha, Jeff                              9.2N                 46.0
Benson, Glenn                             17.5N                 44.0
Partridge, Tom                            17.1N                 37.0

Reid, Steve                               10.6N                 34.0
Williams, Cindy                           19.6N                 31.0
Johnson, Bob                              14.7N                 30.0
Miller, John                              12.9N                 30.0
Polucha, Joyce                            20.2N                 19.0

Jensen, Fred                              16.6N                 16.0
Hackman, Ed                               18.2N                 15.0
Polucha, Collin                           18.2N                 14.0
Brown, Marty                              20.2N                 11.0
Chandonnet, Dave                          99.9                   0.0

May 22 results. Pat (on 16) and Phil (on 11) won CTP, splitting $56 due to the carry over. Nice shots!

- Scores for 05-22-13 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net    Points
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score   Today
Arbige, Ray                     48      16      32      19.0
Gross   5  6  5  5  4  6  4  6  7   48  

Bennerhasset, Bill              50      15      35      15.0
Gross   5  5  6  6  5  6  4  6  7   50  

Benson, Glenn                   51      17      34      16.0
Gross   7  4  6  4  6  7  3  7  7   51  

Black, Tom                      42      11      31      21.0
Gross   5  3  4  6  4  6  4  4  6   42  

Borden, Steve                   42       8      34      17.0
Gross   4  4  6  3  4  6  3  5  7   42  

Goodrich, Bob                   46      12      34      16.0
Gross   5  3  6  4  4  7  3  7  7   46  

Hackman, Ed                     53      18      35      15.0
Gross   7  5  5  6  6  8  4  6  6   53  

James, Pat                      38       7      31      22.0
Gross   5  4  5  4  3  5  2  4  6   38  

Jarest, Jake                    47      11      36      14.0
Gross   5  5  7  3  5  5  5  5  7   47  

Keefe, Paula                    46      10      36      16.0
Gross   5  4  7  4  5  5  4  5  7   46  

Partridge, Tom                  52      17      35      13.0
Gross   6  6  5  6  5  6  4  7  7   52  

Polucha, Jeff                   44       9      35      14.0
Gross   6  5  5  5  3  5  4  6  5   44  

Reid, Steve                     49      10      39      10.0
Gross   5  3  8  2  5  8  5  6  7   49  

Silverman, Alan                 50      18      32      18.0
Gross   6  3  6  4  6  7  4  6  8   50  

Tetreault, Phil                 47      15      32      18.0
Gross   7  3  6  4  6  4  4  6  7   47  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Standings as of May 15th.

- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Silverman, Alan                           18.2N                 72.0
Borden, Steve                              8.9N                 64.0
Jarest, Jake                              11.1N                 64.0
Arbige, Ray                               17.1N                 63.0
Bennerhasset, Bill                        15.2N                 61.0

Black, Tom                                12.9N                 61.0
Polucha, Craig                            12.0N                 61.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         9.7N                 60.0
Tetreault, Phil                           15.7N                 52.0
Keefe, Paula                              11.2N                 49.0

Goodrich, Bob                             12.4N                 39.0
James, Pat                                 9.3N                 33.0
Polucha, Jeff                              8.2N                 32.0
Williams, Cindy                           19.6N                 31.0
Johnson, Bob                              14.7N                 30.0

Miller, John                              12.9N                 30.0
Benson, Glenn                             17.5N                 28.0
Partridge, Tom                            15.7N                 24.0
Reid, Steve                                7.3N                 24.0
Polucha, Joyce                            20.2N                 19.0

Jensen, Fred                              16.6N                 16.0
Polucha, Collin                           18.2N                 14.0
Brown, Marty                              20.2N                 11.0
Chandonnet, Dave                          99.9                   0.0
Hackman, Ed                               99.9                   0.0

May 15th Results. No CTP so $24 will carry forward. Another cold, windy rainy day but some of us toughed it out.

- Scores for 05-15-13 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net    Points
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score   Today
Arbige, Ray                     55      17      38      16.0
Gross   6  5  5  7  7  5  7  7  6   55  

Bennerhasset, Bill              54      15      39      15.0
Gross   6  6  7  7  7  4  7  6  4   54  

Black, Tom                      50      13      37      18.0
Gross   5  7  5  8  6  5  6  4  4   50  

Borden, Steve                   44       9      35      19.0
Gross   5  4  5  6  5  4  6  4  5   44  

Charpentier, Gerry              50       9      41      13.0
Gross   6  5  5  6  6  7  7  4  4   50  

Goodrich, Bob                   51      12      39      14.0
Gross   5  6  5  6  6  7  6  4  6   51  

Jarest, Jake                    55      11      44      11.0
Gross   6  7  6  6  5  5  9  6  5   55  

Reid, Steve                     54       7      47       7.0
Gross   7  6  6  7  5  5  7  5  6   54  

Silverman, Alan                 57      18      39      15.0
Gross   7  8  6  7  8  5  6  5  5   57  

Tetreault, Phil                 62      15      47       7.0
Gross   8  6  6  7  8  7  8  7  5   62  

Friday, May 10, 2013

As of May 8th
- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Polucha, Craig                            12.0N                 61.0
Silverman, Alan                           18.2N                 57.0
Jarest, Jake                              11.1N                 53.0
Keefe, Paula                              11.2N                 49.0
Arbige, Ray                               17.1N                 47.0

Charpentier, Gerry                         9.7N                 47.0
Bennerhasset, Bill                        15.2N                 46.0
Borden, Steve                              9.6N                 45.0
Tetreault, Phil                           15.7N                 45.0
Black, Tom                                13.4N                 43.0

James, Pat                                 9.3N                 33.0
Polucha, Jeff                              8.2N                 32.0
Williams, Cindy                           19.6N                 31.0
Johnson, Bob                              14.7N                 30.0
Miller, John                              12.9N                 30.0

Benson, Glenn                             17.5N                 28.0
Goodrich, Bob                             11.0N                 25.0
Partridge, Tom                            15.7N                 24.0
Polucha, Joyce                            20.2N                 19.0
Reid, Steve                                7.3N                 17.0

Jensen, Fred                              16.6N                 16.0
Polucha, Collin                           18.2N                 14.0
Brown, Marty                              20.2N                 11.0
Chandonnet, Dave                          99.9                   0.0
Hackman, Ed                               99.9                   0.0
Week 4, May 8th. Rain all around us, but the five who showed got the round in without a drop. No CTP.

- Scores for 05-08-13 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score
Black, Tom                      53      13      40
Gross   8  4  8  6  5  5  4  6  7   53  

Borden, Steve                   45       9      36
Gross   6  4  6  5  5  5  4  4  6   45  

Jarest, Jake                    43      11      32
Gross   6  4  4  4  5  6  4  5  5   43  

Polucha, Craig                  45      12      33
Gross   5  3  6  5  5  6  3  5  7   45  

Silverman, Alan                 53      18      35
Gross   7  5  7  6  5  5  5  6  7   53  

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Standings May 1, after first three weeks.

- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Keefe, Paula                              11.2N                 49.0
Arbige, Ray                               17.1N                 47.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         9.7N                 47.0
Bennerhasset, Bill                        15.2N                 46.0
Tetreault, Phil                           15.7N                 45.0

Polucha, Craig                            12.5N                 44.0
Silverman, Alan                           18.2N                 42.0
Jarest, Jake                              12.0N                 34.0
Black, Tom                                12.9N                 33.0
James, Pat                                 9.3N                 33.0

Polucha, Jeff                              8.2N                 32.0
Borden, Steve                              9.6N                 31.0
Williams, Cindy                           19.6N                 31.0
Johnson, Bob                              14.7N                 30.0
Miller, John                              12.9N                 30.0

Benson, Glenn                             17.5N                 28.0
Goodrich, Bob                             11.0N                 25.0
Partridge, Tom                            15.7N                 24.0
Polucha, Joyce                            20.2N                 19.0
Reid, Steve                                7.3N                 17.0

Jensen, Fred                              16.6N                 16.0
Polucha, Collin                           18.2N                 14.0
Brown, Marty                              20.2N                 11.0
Chandonnet, Dave                          99.9                   0.0
Hackman, Ed                               99.9                   0.0

Week 3. Steve Reid won CTP. Welcome Steve, Marty and Fred - over from the "Dark Side"

Golfers with no Handicap assigned maximum values: 36.4 for men, 40.4 for women.
- Scores for 05-01-13 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net    Points
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score   Today
Arbige, Ray                     54      17      37      17.0
Gross   7  7  6  5  7  5  6  5  6   54  

Bennerhasset, Bill              52      15      37      17.0
Gross   7  6  6  6  6  5  6  6  4   52  

Black, Tom                      51      13      38      16.0
Gross   5  4  7  5  4  7  9  5  5   51  

Brown, Marty                    63      19      44      11.0
Gross   7  7  7  6  7  5 10  8  6   63  

Charpentier, Gerry              51       9      42      13.0
Gross   6  6  5  6  6  8  7  4  3   51  

James, Pat                      46       9      37      17.0
Gross   7  6  5  5  5  5  5  5  3   46  

Jensen, Fred                    54      16      38      16.0
Gross   8  7  8  5  7  5  6  4  4   54  

Keefe, Paula                    50      11      39      17.0
Gross   4  7  6  8  8  4  4  5  4   50  

Miller, John                    50      13      37      17.0
Gross   6  4  7  6  5  5  6  5  6   50  

Partridge, Tom                  61      15      46       8.0
Gross   8  6  7  6  6  6  9  7  6   61  

Polucha, Craig                  49      12      37      17.0
Gross   6  5  8  5  6  4  6  5  4   49  

Reid, Steve                     44       7      37      17.0
Gross   7  4  6  4  6  4  6  4  3   44  

Silverman, Alan                 56      18      38      16.0
Gross   6  6  6  5  7  7  7  6  6   56  

Tetreault, Phil                 51      15      36      18.0
Gross   7  6  6  7  5  5  5  5  5   51  

Williams, Cindy                 57      19      38      16.0
Gross   8  4  8  5  7  8  6  5  6   57  

Revised week 2 with points and handicaps

Golfers with no Handicap assigned maximum values: 36.4 for men, 40.4 for women.
- Scores for 04-24-13 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net    Points
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score   Today
Arbige, Ray                     51      17      34      16.0
Gross   6  5  8  5  5  6  5  5  6   51  

Bennerhasset, Bill              49      15      34      16.0
Gross   7  4  7  4  4  5  5  6  7   49  

Benson, Glenn                   51      17      34      16.0
Gross   7  6  6  4  3  6  5  8  6   51  

Black, Tom                      46      13      33      17.0
Gross   5  5  7  4  4  7  4  4  6   46  

Borden, Steve                   41       9      32      18.0
Gross   7  4  5  3  4  5  3  5  5   41  

Charpentier, Gerry              43       9      34      17.0
Gross   5  3  8  4  3  5  4  5  6   43  

Goodrich, Bob                   54      11      43       8.0
Gross   8  6  5  6  4  7  6  7  5   54  

James, Pat                      44       9      35      16.0
Gross   6  5  5  5  3  5  6  4  5   44  

Jarest, Jake                    45      12      33      17.0
Gross   5  6  5  5  4  5  3  4  8   45  

Johnson, Bob                    50      14      36      14.0
Gross   6  5  7  6  4  6  3  5  8   50  

Keefe, Paula                    49      11      38      13.0
Gross   6  5  4  6  5  4  6  5  8   49  

Polucha, Craig                  51      12      39      11.0
Gross   7  4  7  6  3  6  6  6  6   51  

Polucha, Jeff                   43       8      35      15.0
Gross   5  4  6  4  3  4  5  6  6   43  

Polucha, Joyce                  62      19      43      10.0
Gross   8  8  6  6  6  6  8  6  8   62  

Silverman, Alan                 55      18      37      13.0
Gross   6  6  7  5  4  7  4  8  8   55  

Tetreault, Phil                 51      15      36      15.0
Gross   6  4  6  4  6  7  4  8  6   51  

Revised week 1 with points and 9 hole handicaps

Golfers with no Handicap assigned maximum values: 36.4 for men, 40.4 for women.
- Scores for 04-17-13 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net    Points
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score   Today
Arbige, Ray                     57      17      40      14.0
Gross   8  8  6  6  7  5  7  6  4   57  

Bennerhasset, Bill              56      15      41      13.0
Gross   8  5  8  6  7  5  5  6  6   56  

Benson, Glenn                   59      17      42      12.0
Gross   8  7  6  6  8  5  7  6  6   59  

Borden, Steve                   50       9      41      13.0
Gross   6  4  5  7  6  5  6  7  4   50  

Charpentier, Gerry              46       9      37      17.0
Gross   5  5  5  5  6  5  6  5  4   46  

Goodrich, Bob                   48      11      37      17.0
Gross   6  7  6  5  5  5  6  4  4   48  

Jarest, Jake                    50      12      38      17.0
Gross   8  7  5  6  5  5  6  5  3   50  

Johnson, Bob                    52      14      38      16.0
Gross   7  4  8  5  7  4  6  6  5   52  

Keefe, Paula                    46      11      35      19.0
Gross   6  5  6  5  5  4  5  5  5   46  

Miller, John                    54      13      41      13.0
Gross   7  7  7  5  6  6  7  6  3   54  

Partridge, Tom                  53      15      38      16.0
Gross   7  6  7  5  5  6  8  5  4   53  

Polucha, Collin                 58      18      40      14.0
Gross   7  7  6  5  8  5  7  7  6   58  

Polucha, Craig                  50      12      38      16.0
Gross   7  6  4  6  4  4  7  7  5   50  

Polucha, Jeff                   45       8      37      17.0
Gross   3  4  6  6  4  6  7  5  4   45  

Polucha, Joyce                  64      19      45       9.0
Gross   8  6  7  6  8  8  7  8  6   64  

Silverman, Alan                 59      18      41      13.0
Gross   7  8  7  6  5  5  7  8  6   59  

Tetreault, Phil                 57      15      42      12.0
Gross   6  7  8  5  7  5  8  5  6   57  

Williams, Cindy                 58      19      39      15.0
"Benson in the Hedges"