Friday, August 23, 2013

Standings as of Aug 21.

- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Silverman, Alan                           15.8N                269.0
Black, Tom                                10.3N                263.0
Borden, Steve                              5.9N                247.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         7.2N                247.0
Arbige, Ray                               13.3N                222.0

Tetreault, Phil                           14.6N                217.0
Bennerhasset, Bill                        15.5N                215.0
Jarest, Jake                              10.7N                215.0
Polucha, Craig                             9.2N                210.0
Goodrich, Bob                             12.9N                201.0

Polucha, Jeff                              6.4N                195.0
Keefe, Paula                               8.4N                193.0
Reid, Steve                               10.3N                173.0
James, Pat                                 6.7N                160.0
Partridge, Tom                            13.5N                158.0

Benson, Glenn                             13.3N                143.0
Miller, John                              11.8N                134.0
Hackman, Ed                               13.6N                125.0
Polucha, Joyce                            20.2N                 50.0
Williams, Cindy                           19.6N                 31.0

Johnson, Bob                              14.7N                 30.0
Jensen, Fred                              16.6N                 16.0
Polucha, Collin                           18.2N                 14.0
Brown, Marty                              20.2N                 11.0
CTP winner was Mr. Charpentier.

Aug 21 Results

- Scores for 08-21-13 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net    Points
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score   Today
Arbige, Ray                     52      13      39      15.0
Gross   5  4  5  6  6  6  8  6  6   52  

Bennerhasset, Bill              63      15      48       5.0
Gross   7  7  6  7  7  8  8  7  6   63  

Black, Tom                      54      10      44      10.0
Gross   6  6  6  7  6  5  8  5  5   54  

Borden, Steve                   43       6      37      16.0
Gross   5  5  4  4  5  5  8  4  3   43  

Charpentier, Gerry              41       7      34      21.0
Gross   4  6  4  5  6  5  4  4  3   41  

Goodrich, Bob                   48      13      35      19.0
Gross   5  5  5  5  6  4  7  6  5   48  

Hackman, Ed                     55      13      42      11.0
Gross   6  6  8  5  6  7  8  5  4   55  

James, Pat                      44       6      38      17.0
Gross   5  6  4  5  5  6  6  3  4   44  

Jarest, Jake                    57      10      47       7.0
Gross   7  7  6  7  5  8  8  4  5   57  

Keefe, Paula                    49       8      41      13.0
Gross   5  6  7  5  5  5  6  6  4   49  

Miller, John                    48      11      37      18.0
Gross   4  7  5  5  5  6  6  6  4   48  

Partridge, Tom                  49      13      36      19.0
Gross   7  5  5  4  5  7  6  6  4   49  

Polucha, Craig                  49       9      40      14.0
Gross   5  6  7  5  6  5  6  6  3   49  

Polucha, Jeff                   42       6      36      19.0
Gross   5  5  5  4  5  4  6  5  3   42  

Polucha, Joyce                  68      19      49       5.0
Gross   7  8  8  8  8  8  8  7  6   68  

Silverman, Alan                 57      15      42      13.0
Gross   7  8  6  7  6  7  7  4  5   57  

Tetreault, Phil                 53      14      39      15.0
Gross   5  7  7  5  5  5  8  6  5   53  

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Standings as of 8/14

Announcement: The course would like us to get out as early as possible next Wed as there is a small league behind us that will have a four hole shotgun start so they can finish together. It is their last round of the season and a dinner is planned. As our first groups always tee off on time, this means that our last group (you know you are) need to be a little early next week. Thanks. SB

- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Silverman, Alan                           15.1N                256.0
Black, Tom                                10.3N                253.0
Borden, Steve                              5.3N                231.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         8.1N                226.0
Bennerhasset, Bill                        14.7N                210.0

Jarest, Jake                              10.7N                208.0
Arbige, Ray                               13.3N                207.0
Tetreault, Phil                           14.2N                202.0
Polucha, Craig                             9.2N                196.0
Goodrich, Bob                             13.3N                182.0

Keefe, Paula                               8.4N                180.0
Polucha, Jeff                              6.8N                176.0
Reid, Steve                               10.3N                173.0
Benson, Glenn                             13.3N                143.0
James, Pat                                 6.8N                143.0

Partridge, Tom                            14.2N                139.0
Miller, John                              12.0N                116.0
Hackman, Ed                               12.7N                114.0
Polucha, Joyce                            20.2N                 45.0
Williams, Cindy                           19.6N                 31.0

Johnson, Bob                              14.7N                 30.0
Jensen, Fred                              16.6N                 16.0
Polucha, Collin                           18.2N                 14.0
Brown, Marty                              20.2N                 11.0
Chandonnet, Dave                          99.9                   0.0
8/14: PAULA won CTP

- Scores for 08-14-13 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net    Points
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score   Today
Arbige, Ray                     50      13      37      13.0
Gross   4  6  6  5  6  6  4  5  8   50  

Bennerhasset, Bill              56      14      42       8.0
Gross   8  6  5  6  6  6  5  6  8   56  

Black, Tom                      41      10      31      19.0
Gross   5  4  6  4  4  5  4  5  4   41  

Borden, Steve                   45       5      40      10.0
Gross   5  4  5  5  6  4  5  5  6   45  

Charpentier, Gerry              43       8      35      15.0
Gross   5  6  6  4  5  4  3  5  5   43  

Goodrich, Bob                   49      13      36      14.0
Gross   5  3  8  5  4  7  5  5  7   49  

Hackman, Ed                     52      12      40      10.0
Gross   6  4  7  4  5  6  6  6  8   52  

James, Pat                      42       7      35      16.0
Gross   4  5  5  3  5  4  4  5  7   42  

Jarest, Jake                    47      10      37      13.0
Gross   4  6  6  5  6  5  4  5  6   47  

Keefe, Paula                    42       8      34      17.0
Gross   5  4  6  4  5  5  4  4  5   42  

Miller, John                    53      12      41       9.0
Gross   6  5  6  5  6  6  5  7  7   53  

Partridge, Tom                  48      14      34      16.0
Gross   6  5  5  4  4  7  5  5  7   48  

Polucha, Craig                  45       9      36      14.0
Gross   5  4  5  4  4  6  5  5  7   45  

Polucha, Jeff                   42       7      35      15.0
Gross   5  3  5  5  3  5  5  5  6   42  

Reid, Steve                     41      10      31      19.0
Gross   5  4  5  3  5  6  5  3  5   41  

Silverman, Alan                 52      15      37      13.0
Gross   5  5  8  5  4  6  5  6  8   52  

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Standings as of 8/7/13

- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Silverman, Alan                           15.1N                243.0
Black, Tom                                11.2N                234.0
Borden, Steve                              5.3N                221.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         8.1N                211.0
Bennerhasset, Bill                        14.6N                202.0

Tetreault, Phil                           14.2N                202.0
Jarest, Jake                              10.7N                195.0
Arbige, Ray                               13.3N                194.0
Polucha, Craig                             9.2N                182.0
Goodrich, Bob                             12.9N                168.0

Keefe, Paula                               8.6N                163.0
Polucha, Jeff                              6.8N                161.0
Reid, Steve                               11.2N                154.0
Benson, Glenn                             13.3N                143.0
James, Pat                                 6.5N                127.0

Partridge, Tom                            14.1N                123.0
Miller, John                              12.0N                107.0
Hackman, Ed                               12.7N                104.0
Polucha, Joyce                            20.2N                 45.0
Williams, Cindy                           19.6N                 31.0

Johnson, Bob                              14.7N                 30.0
Jensen, Fred                              16.6N                 16.0
Polucha, Collin                           18.2N                 14.0
Brown, Marty                              20.2N                 11.0

8/7/13 CTP won by Pat.

                              Gross Course Net Points Name Score Hcp. Score Today
Arbige, Ray                     52      13      39      15.0
Gross   6  5  6  6  5  6  7  6  5   52 

Bennerhasset, Bill              59      14      45       9.0
Gross   8  7  7  6  5  6  8  7  5   59 

Black, Tom                      47      11      36      18.0
Gross   5  5  5  5  6  5  7  5  4   47 

Borden, Steve                   54       5      49       8.0
Gross   6  7  8  4  6  8  6  6  3   54 

Charpentier, Gerry              44       8      36      18.0
Gross   4  4  5  5  5  5  7  5  4   44 

Goodrich, Bob                   52      13      39      15.0
Gross   5  5  6  5  7  7  6  7  4   52 

James, Pat                      45       6      39      15.0
Gross   5  5  5  5  4  6  7  5  3   45 

Jarest, Jake                    61      10      51       6.0
Gross   6  6  6  8  6  8 10  5  6   61 

Keefe, Paula                    48       8      40      14.0
Gross   6  6  6  6  7  5  4  4  4   48 

Miller, John                    54      12      42      12.0
Gross   8  5  6  7  7  5  7  5  4   54 

Polucha, Craig                  45       9      36      19.0
Gross   5  4  4  5  5  5  6  5  6   45 

Polucha, Jeff                   43       7      36      18.0
Gross   4  4  5  6  6  5  5  4  4   43 

Polucha, Joyce                  69      19      50       4.0
Gross   8  7  8  8  8  8  8  8  6   69 

Reid, Steve                     48      11      37      16.0
Gross   4  5  6  7  5  5  6  6  4   48 

Silverman, Alan                 54      15      39      15.0
Gross   5  6  6  6  7  6  7  5  6   54 

Tetreault, Phil                 51      14      37      18.0
Gross   6  6  5  6  8  6  5  4  5   51 

Standings as of 7/31

- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Silverman, Alan                           15.1N                228.0
Black, Tom                                11.1N                216.0
Borden, Steve                              5.3N                213.0
Bennerhasset, Bill                        14.6N                193.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         8.6N                193.0

Jarest, Jake                               9.9N                189.0
Tetreault, Phil                           14.9N                184.0
Arbige, Ray                               13.5N                179.0
Polucha, Craig                             9.9N                163.0
Goodrich, Bob                             13.1N                153.0

Keefe, Paula                               8.8N                149.0
Benson, Glenn                             13.3N                143.0
Polucha, Jeff                              7.2N                143.0
Reid, Steve                               10.5N                138.0
Partridge, Tom                            14.1N                123.0

James, Pat                                 6.7N                112.0
Hackman, Ed                               12.7N                104.0
Miller, John                              11.4N                 95.0
Polucha, Joyce                            20.2N                 41.0
Williams, Cindy                           19.6N                 31.0

Johnson, Bob                              14.7N                 30.0
Jensen, Fred                              16.6N                 16.0
Polucha, Collin                           18.2N                 14.0
Brown, Marty                              20.2N                 11.0
7/31 Bill B won CTP. CORRECTION: Phil won CTP

- Scores for 07-31-13 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net    Points
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score   Today
Arbige, Ray                     51      13      38      12.0
Gross   6  5  6  3  5  7  5  6  8   51  

Bennerhasset, Bill              51      14      37      13.0
Gross   6  6  7  5  5  6  4  5  7   51  

Benson, Glenn                   48      13      35      15.0
Gross   6  6  6  5  4  4  6  5  6   48  

Black, Tom                      46      11      35      15.0
Gross   6  4  4  6  5  5  5  5  6   46  

Charpentier, Gerry              43       8      35      16.0
Gross   6  4  6  6  3  3  3  8  4   43  

Goodrich, Bob                   43      13      30      20.0
Gross   5  5  5  5  3  6  3  5  6   43  

Jarest, Jake                    45      10      35      15.0
Gross   6  6  7  4  4  5  3  5  5   45  

Miller, John                    45      11      34      17.0
Gross   6  5  6  3  4  5  4  4  8   45  

Partridge, Tom                  48      14      34      16.0
Gross   7  4  5  6  5  4  4  7  6   48  

Reid, Steve                     46      10      36      15.0
Gross   5  4  8  6  5  5  4  4  5   46  

Silverman, Alan                 52      15      37      14.0
Gross   7  6  5  6  4  6  3  8  7   52  

Tetreault, Phil                 51      15      36      13.0
Gross   6  4  7  5  6  6  4  5  8   51