Saturday, May 30, 2015

Jake is bound and determined to get his name on that plaque....we'll see.


- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Jarest, Jake                              10.1N                 84.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         9.4N                 78.0
Silverman, Alan                           15.1N                 70.0
Partridge, Tom                            13.8N                 68.0
Arbige, Ray                               13.4N                 62.0

Tetreault, Phil                           15.8N                 58.0
Reid, Steve                               10.7N                 57.0
Black, Tom                                10.9N                 54.0
Polucha, Jeff                              7.3N                 54.0
Bennerhasset, Bill                        14.5N                 52.0

Hackman, Ed                               11.5N                 51.0
Polucha, Craig                             8.8N                 49.0
Borden, Steve                              6.2N                 46.0
Polucha, Collin                           15.7N                 44.0
Benson, Glenn                             10.5N                 31.0

Goodrich, Bob                             14.4N                 28.0
Keefe, Paula                               8.0N                 22.0
Bottick, Bob                              13.8N                 21.0
Polucha, Joyce                            20.2N                  7.0
Surprisingly Paula won CTP on 14. Jake is glad she missed last week.

- Scores for 05-27-15 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net    Points
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score   Today
Arbige, Ray                     52      13      39      12.0
Gross   7  3  8  5  6  8  3  5  7   52  

Bennerhasset, Bill              52      14      38      12.0
Gross   6  5  8  4  5  5  6  6  7   52  

Benson, Glenn                   51      10      41       9.0
Gross   7  5  6  6  5  5  5  6  6   51  

Black, Tom                      47      11      36      13.0
Gross   6  6  5  6  3  5  5  5  6   47  

Charpentier, Gerry              45       9      36      14.0
Gross   4  4  5  5  6  7  3  4  7   45  

Jarest, Jake                    45      10      35      14.0
Gross   7  5  4  4  5  5  4  5  6   45  

Keefe, Paula                    51       8      43       7.0
Gross   7  5  6  6  5  5  5  6  6   51  

Partridge, Tom                  49      13      36      13.0
Gross   8  6  5  3  6  6  5  4  6   49  

Polucha, Craig                  48       9      39      11.0
Gross   6  5  6  5  5  5  4  6  6   48  

Polucha, Jeff                   42       7      35      15.0
Gross   4  4  6  5  6  4  3  4  6   42  

Polucha, Joyce                  63      19      44       7.0
Gross   8  6  8  6  6  7  6  8  8   63  

Reid, Steve                     45      10      35      15.0
Gross   6  5  5  3  5  5  5  5  6   45  

Silverman, Alan                 54      15      39      10.0
Gross   8  6  8  5  6  6  5  5  5   54  

Tetreault, Phil                 53      15      38      12.0
Gross   6  5  8  5  6  7  6  4  6   53  

Friday, May 22, 2015

as of 5/20

- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Jarest, Jake                               9.7N                 70.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         9.0N                 64.0
Silverman, Alan                           14.2N                 60.0
Partridge, Tom                            12.7N                 55.0
Hackman, Ed                               11.5N                 51.0

Arbige, Ray                               12.5N                 50.0
Borden, Steve                              6.2N                 46.0
Tetreault, Phil                           14.9N                 46.0
Polucha, Collin                           15.7N                 44.0
Reid, Steve                               10.7N                 42.0

Black, Tom                                10.5N                 41.0
Bennerhasset, Bill                        14.0N                 40.0
Polucha, Jeff                              6.8N                 39.0
Polucha, Craig                             8.8N                 38.0
Goodrich, Bob                             14.4N                 28.0

Benson, Glenn                             10.5N                 22.0
Bottick, Bob                              13.8N                 21.0
Keefe, Paula                               8.0N                 15.0
Jake won CTP AND he is in first place by a good margin. The earth has tipped on its axis it seems.

- Scores for 05-20-15 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net    Points
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score   Today
Arbige, Ray                     51      12      39      15.0
Gross   5  4  7  5  5  6  8  6  5   51  

Bennerhasset, Bill              51      14      37      16.0
Gross   6  6  6  6  6  5  8  4  4   51  

Black, Tom                      50      10      40      14.0
Gross   4  5  6  6  6  8  6  6  3   50  

Borden, Steve                   47       6      41      12.0
Gross   6  5  6  4  6  5  5  5  5   47  

Charpentier, Gerry              48       9      39      15.0
Gross   6  4  7  6  4  7  6  5  3   48  

Goodrich, Bob                   53      14      39      15.0
Gross   6  6  6  7  7  5  7  4  5   53  

Hackman, Ed                     45      11      34      22.0
Gross   5  5  6  4  6  4  7  4  4   45  

Jarest, Jake                    47       9      38      17.0
Gross   5  5  6  6  5  6  6  5  3   47  

Partridge, Tom                  52      12      40      16.0
Gross   5  4  5  8  8  5  7  5  5   52  

Reid, Steve                     53      10      43      11.0
Gross   6  5  7  6  5  6  8  5  5   53  

Silverman, Alan                 52      14      38      16.0
Gross   6  6  6  5  6  6  6  7  4   52  

Tetreault, Phil                 56      15      41      11.0
Gross   6  7  7  7  6  4  8  7  4   56  

Saturday, May 16, 2015

as of 5/13

- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Jarest, Jake                              10.3N                 53.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         9.0N                 49.0
Polucha, Collin                           15.7N                 44.0
Silverman, Alan                           14.7N                 44.0
Partridge, Tom                            12.7N                 39.0

Polucha, Jeff                              6.8N                 39.0
Polucha, Craig                             8.8N                 38.0
Arbige, Ray                               12.7N                 35.0
Tetreault, Phil                           13.8N                 35.0
Borden, Steve                              5.1N                 34.0

Reid, Steve                               10.5N                 31.0
Hackman, Ed                               13.8N                 29.0
Black, Tom                                10.3N                 27.0
Bennerhasset, Bill                        13.4N                 24.0
Benson, Glenn                             10.5N                 22.0

Bottick, Bob                              13.8N                 21.0
Keefe, Paula                               8.0N                 15.0
Goodrich, Bob                             14.5N                 13.0
Phil won CTP on 13.

- Scores for 05-13-15 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net    Points
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score   Today
Arbige, Ray                     48      12      36      14.0
Gross   6  4  7  4  5  6  5  5  6   48  

Bennerhasset, Bill              52      13      39      11.0
Gross   6  6  7  4  4  7  5  7  6   52  

Black, Tom                      44      10      34      16.0
Gross   5  4  5  5  4  5  3  7  6   44  

Borden, Steve                   55       4      51       3.0
Gross   7  4  8  5  6  7  6  4  8   55  

Charpentier, Gerry              45       9      36      14.0
Gross   6  4  6  4  5  5  5  4  6   45  

Hackman, Ed                     52      12      40      10.0
Gross   7  6  7  6  3  7  5  5  6   52  

Jarest, Jake                    46       9      37      13.0
Gross   5  5  7  5  4  6  4  4  6   46  

Partridge, Tom                  55      12      43       7.0
Gross   7  6  7  5  5  6  6  7  6   55  

Polucha, Collin                 51      14      37      13.0
Gross   6  6  5  6  6  8  4  4  6   51  

Polucha, Craig                  45       8      37      13.0
Gross   7  3  6  3  5  5  3  6  7   45  

Polucha, Jeff                   43       7      36      14.0
Gross   6  4  6  4  5  4  4  4  6   43  

Reid, Steve                     51      10      41       9.0
Gross   6  4  6  5  4  6  6  6  8   51  

Silverman, Alan                 51      14      37      13.0
Gross   5  4  7  5  6  6  4  6  8   51  

Tetreault, Phil                 52      13      39      11.0
Gross   6  5  7  4  6  6  5  7  6   52  

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Good grief! Jake in 1st place! I may kill myself.

- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Jarest, Jake                               9.7N                 40.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         9.0N                 35.0
Partridge, Tom                            12.7N                 32.0
Borden, Steve                              4.6N                 31.0
Polucha, Collin                           14.7N                 31.0

Silverman, Alan                           14.0N                 31.0
Polucha, Craig                             7.9N                 25.0
Polucha, Jeff                              6.8N                 25.0
Tetreault, Phil                           12.9N                 24.0
Benson, Glenn                             10.5N                 22.0

Reid, Steve                               10.5N                 22.0
Arbige, Ray                               12.2N                 21.0
Bottick, Bob                              13.8N                 21.0
Hackman, Ed                               12.6N                 19.0
Keefe, Paula                               8.0N                 15.0

Bennerhasset, Bill                        13.4N                 13.0
Goodrich, Bob                             14.5N                 13.0
Black, Tom                                10.3N                 11.0
Paula won CTP and got the birdie. Nice!

- Scores for 05-06-15 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net    Points
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score   Today
Arbige, Ray                     54      12      42      11.0
Gross   7  6  5  7  5  6  7  6  5   54  

Bennerhasset, Bill              60      13      47       8.0
Gross   8  7  7  7  7  7  8  4  5   60  

Benson, Glenn                   54      10      44      11.0
Gross   8  5  8  6  7  5  5  6  4   54  

Borden, Steve                   43       4      39      16.0
Gross   5  4  5  4  5  5  8  4  3   43  

Charpentier, Gerry              45       9      36      19.0
Gross   6  6  4  5  4  4  7  5  4   45  

Hackman, Ed                     55      12      43      11.0
Gross   7  7  5  7  5  5  7  6  6   55  

Jarest, Jake                    44       9      35      21.0
Gross   6  4  5  5  5  5  6  5  3   44  

Keefe, Paula                    47       8      39      15.0
Gross   7  6  5  5  5  5  6  6  2   47  

Partridge, Tom                  48      12      36      19.0
Gross   7  4  6  6  4  6  7  4  4   48  

Polucha, Collin                 52      14      38      18.0
Gross   5  5  8  6  6  5  7  5  5   52  

Polucha, Craig                  48       8      40      14.0
Gross   7  6  4  6  5  5  7  4  4   48  

Polucha, Jeff                   50       7      43      11.0
Gross   5  5  6  7  4  6  6  6  5   50  

Reid, Steve                     50      10      40      14.0
Gross   6  4  7  5  6  5  7  5  5   50  

Silverman, Alan                 51      14      37      18.0
Gross   5  5  6  8  6  6  6  5  4   51  

Tetreault, Phil                 55      13      42      13.0
Gross   7  6  6  5  5  7  8  8  3   55  

Monday, May 4, 2015

This is a corrected standings report

- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Bottick, Bob                              13.8N                 21.0
Jarest, Jake                              10.9N                 19.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         9.8N                 16.0
Borden, Steve                              4.8N                 15.0
Polucha, Jeff                              5.9N                 14.0

Goodrich, Bob                             14.5N                 13.0
Partridge, Tom                            13.4N                 13.0
Polucha, Collin                           16.6N                 13.0
Silverman, Alan                           14.7N                 13.0
Benson, Glenn                              9.2N                 11.0

Black, Tom                                10.3N                 11.0
Polucha, Craig                             7.9N                 11.0
Tetreault, Phil                           12.9N                 11.0
Arbige, Ray                               11.6N                 10.0
Hackman, Ed                               12.6N                  8.0

Reid, Steve                               10.3N                  8.0
Steve won CTP

This is a corrected posting

- Scores for 04-29-15 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net    Points
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score   Today
Arbige, Ray                     51      11      40      10.0
Gross   7  6  6  6  4  7  3  5  7   51  

Bennerhasset, Bill              58      13      45       5.0
Gross   7  6  7  6  6  5  6  7  8   58  

Benson, Glenn                   48       9      39      11.0
Gross   6  5  6  4  4  6  5  6  6   48  

Black, Tom                      49      10      39      11.0
Gross   6  5  6  6  4  5  5  5  7   49  

Borden, Steve                   41       5      36      15.0
Gross   5  4  4  3  4  5  6  4  6   41  

Bottick, Bob                    47      13      34      21.0
Gross   6  4  5  6  5  5  5  5  6   47  

Charpentier, Gerry              44      10      34      16.0
Gross   6  3  5  4  6  5  4  6  5   44  

Goodrich, Bob                   51      14      37      13.0
Gross   6  6  6  4  4  7  6  5  7   51  

Hackman, Ed                     54      12      42       8.0
Gross   6  6  7  6  5  7  3  7  7   54  

Jarest, Jake                    43      11      32      19.0
Gross   4  3  5  4  4  8  3  5  7   43  

Partridge, Tom                  50      13      37      13.0
Gross   6  6  5  4  6  5  5  7  6   50  

Polucha, Collin                 50      16      34      13.0
Gross   6  4  4  5  6  7  5  7  6   50  

Polucha, Craig                  48       8      40      11.0
Gross   5  5  5  4  6  7  6  4  6   48  

Polucha, Jeff                   43       6      37      14.0
Gross   4  4  7  5  3  4  4  7  5   43  

Reid, Steve                     53      10      43       8.0
Gross   6  5  6  6  6  5  4  8  7   53  

Silverman, Alan                 51      14      37      13.0
Gross   8  5  8  6  4  5  5  4  6   51  

Tetreault, Phil                 52      13      39      11.0
Gross   6  5  6  6  6  6  4  7  6   52