Monday, August 31, 2020

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


 CTP to Dale...$29

Scores for 08-19-20 / Total Gross and Net
Golfers with no Handicap assigned maximum values: 35.0 for men, 38.0 for women.

                              Gross   Course    Net
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score
Benson, Glenn                   46      15      31
Black, Tom                      47      11      36
Blennerhasset, Bill             54      17      37
Ferland,Roger                   56      17      39
O'Dell,Dale                     36       8      28

O'Dell,Sandy                    56      18      38
Polucha, Craig                  56      14      42
Polucha, Joyce                  58      18      40
Silverman, Al                   50      15      35
Smith,Kieren                    40      10      30

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

No CTP winner this week or last. So $11 from last week, $7 form this week, plus $1 carry over equals, $19 that will be added to next week's pool for the CTP.