Thursday, April 25, 2013

2013 Week 2. A beautiful afternoon! Remember, handicaps and points will be calculated after three weeks. Raw scores only are listed here now.

- Scores for 04-24-13 / Total Gross and Net -
Name                          Gross Score    
Arbige, Ray                     51    
Bennerhasset, Bill              49
Benson, Glenn                   51    
Black, Tom                      46    
Borden, Steve                   41    

Charpentier, Gerry              43    
Goodrich, Bob                   54   
James, Pat                      44     
Johnson, Bob                    50      
Keefe, Paula                    49      

Polucha, Craig                  51      
Polucha, Jeff                   43      
Polucha, Joyce                  62      
Silverman, Alan                 55      
Tetreault, Phil                 51      

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