Friday, June 7, 2013

June 5th. Paula won CTP,  the feat was complimented by her snazzy outfit - looking good out there.

- Scores for 06-05-13 / Total Gross and Net -
                              Gross   Course    Net
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score
Arbige, Ray                     53      16      37
Benson, Glenn                   49      14      35
Black, Tom                      51      12      39
Borden, Steve                   40       6      34
Charpentier, Gerry              45      10      35

Goodrich, Bob                   46      12      34
Hackman, Ed                     56      16      40
James, Pat                      39       5      34
Jarest, Jake                    48      10      38
Keefe, Paula                    43      10      33

Miller, John                    42      11      31
Partridge, Tom                  50      16      34
Polucha, Craig                  43      11      32
Polucha, Jeff                   40       7      33
Polucha, Joyce                  60      19      41

Silverman, Alan                 48      17      31
Tetreault, Phil                 51      15      36

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