Thursday, April 24, 2014

Welcome to 2014 everyone. Hope to see more of you next week.

Standings after week  1.

Handicap or Index / Course Handicap values based on scores through 04-24-14
Course Handicaps correspond to ... Men: home course, Women: home course

- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Benson, Glenn                             12.4N                 17.0
Black, Tom                                10.1N                 16.0
Goodrich, Bob                             13.3N                 15.0
Borden, Steve                              6.4N                 13.0
Reid, Steve                               10.9N                 12.0

Jarest, Jake                              11.6N                  9.0
Silverman, Alan                           15.3N                  9.0
Polucha, Craig                             9.2N                  8.0
Partridge, Tom                            13.5N                  5.0
Arbige, Ray                               13.3N                  0.0

Bennerhasset, Bill                        14.4N                  0.0
Brown, Marty                              20.2N                  0.0
Chandonnet, Dave                          99.9                   0.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         6.4N                  0.0
Hackman, Ed                               12.7N                  0.0

James, Pat                                 6.3N                  0.0
Jensen, Fred                              16.6N                  0.0
Johnson, Bob                              14.7N                  0.0
Keefe, Paula                               8.4N                  0.0
Miller, John                              11.8N                  0.0

Polucha, Collin                           18.2N                  0.0
Polucha, Jeff                              6.8N                  0.0
Polucha, Joyce                            20.2N                  0.0
Tetreault, Phil                           14.9N                  0.0
Williams, Cindy                           19.6N                  0.0

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