Sunday, April 1, 2018

2018 Proposal.  "Quota" Golf.  Will yield weekly cash prizes, CTP and season-long winners.

FIRST: Recruiting: We need players; invite a friend.

Weekly collection will be $2 per player. $1 for Quota prizes and $1 for CTP

Weekly prizes will be based on Quota point system (points for gross bogeys, pars, birdies, eagles and allowance for handicap). This will generate 1 to 5 cash winners each week, based on points earned. and number of players.

CTP will also be paid, but at a lower amount, depending on number of players.

Handicaps will be calculated and season long stableford points will also be accumulated for a season-long winner. Handicaps will start with the ones I have on file and will be recalculated weekly.

How QUOTA Works:

1. Points are awarded for gross 9 hole score from the Quota points table below.
2. The points are ADDED to the players handicap for a total score.
3. The total score is then entered on the worksheet.
4. Winner is the player with the highest total score, then second, third, etc by the payout table.
5. Money payout is in accordance with the payout table below.

Quota Points Table:

Front.  Gross Score of 36 = 18 points, 37=17 points, 38=16 points, etc.
Back. Gross Score of 32=18 points, 33=17 points, 34=16 points, etc.

Example. If I shot a 38 on the front I would earn 16 points. I would add my handicap of 6 for a total score of 21. That would be entered on the worksheet and compared to other players' scores to determine winnings.

Payout for Quota winners.

4 players   1st $4
5 players   1st $4, 2nd $1
6 players   1st $4, 2nd $1, 3rd $1
8 players   4-3-1
9 players   4-3-2
10 players  4-3-2-1
11 players  5-3-2-1

This system will generate more winnings for more people and hopefully will make for an interesting season.


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