Friday, October 12, 2018

Picture below is of those who played in the end of season tournament at Fenner Hill. (I hate that course's greens)

First, Tom Black was awarded the championship plaque for the season as he accumulated the most quota points for the year. Congratualtions.  I'm going to have to come up with a better system that assures I win!

For the tournament:
(I'm going from a slightly drunken memory here)
Steve Reid won longest drive after Al tried to steal it by hitting from the gold tees.
Craig won CTP on 4 and no one won on 11 so we put that cash into the dinner bill.
I won low gross with a disgusting score I won't repeat and Ray (I think) won low net. Subsequent winnings for next low gross and net were distributed to all and the differences were quite small thanks to the magic of handicaps.

All in all, I had a good time and it was a humbling experience because that course is tough, and I'm not!

See you next year. And thanks for your continuing participation.


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