Monday, August 27, 2012

- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Polucha, Jeff                              8.8N /  9           255.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         9.3N /  9           243.0
Black, Tom                                12.4N / 12           212.0
Polucha, Craig                            13.4N / 13           201.0
Silverman, Al                             18.2N / 18           197.0

Polucha, Collin                           15.8N / 15           195.0
Borden, Steve                              8.2N /  8           182.0
Jarest, jake                              12.0N / 12           159.0
Blennerhasset, Bill                       12.6N / 12           155.0
James, Pat                                 8.1N /  8           152.0

Hackman, Ed                               13.4N / 13           141.0
Johnson, Bob                              14.9N / 15           135.0
Keefe, Paula                              10.3N / 10           134.0
Johnson, Mark                              8.3N /  8           123.0
Arbige, Ray                               14.9N / 15           120.0

Bouley, Mary Ellen                        20.2N / 19           107.0
Chandonnet, Dave                          14.4N / 14           105.0
Benson, Glenn                             15.2N / 15            90.0
Tetreault, Phil                           11.0N / 11            75.0
Miller, John                              14.5N / 14            64.0

Tom                                       99.9                  59.0
Dinwoodie, Bonnie                         20.2N                 54.0
Polucha, Joyce                            20.2N / 19            53.0
Goodrich, Bob                             14.9N / 15            49.0
Ruday, Walt                               11.0N / 11            48.0

Traynor, Mary                             18.0N / 35            32.0
Cabral, John                              99.9                  24.0
Francis, Steve                            12.0N / 12            19.0
No CTP winner, it will carry forward to next week.

- Scores for 08-22-12 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score
Arbige, Ray                     50      15      35
Gross   7  5  7  5  4  5  6  6  5   50  

Benson, Glenn                   51      15      36
Gross   7  5  6  3  6  6  4  8  6   51  

Black, Tom                      50      12      38
Gross   5  4  8  5  6  5  5  6  6   50  

Blennerhasset, Bill             46      12      34
Gross   7  5  6  3  3  7  5  5  5   46  

Charpentier, Gerry              42       9      33
Gross   5  4  6  4  5  5  3  5  5   42  

Hackman, Ed                     46      13      33
Gross   5  5  6  6  4  4  4  5  7   46  

James, Pat                      40       8      32
Gross   4  5  6  4  4  4  3  5  5   40  

Jarest, jake                    47      12      35
Gross   7  4  5  5  5  6  5  4  6   47  

Keefe, Paula                    42      10      32
Gross   6  4  4  4  4  6  5  4  5   42  

Polucha, Collin                 47      15      32
Gross   8  5  4  6  5  5  4  4  6   47  

Polucha, Craig                  53      13      40
Gross   5  4  8  6  5  7  6  6  6   53  

Polucha, Jeff                   39       9      30
Gross   6  4  6  4  4  3  3  4  5   39  

Polucha, Joyce                  60      19      41
Gross   8  5  8  6  5  8  5  7  8   60  

Silverman, Al                   56      18      38
Gross   8  5  6  6  5  7  5  6  8   56  

Tom                             39      18      21
Gross   4  4  6  3  2  5  6  4  5   39  

Thursday, August 16, 2012

- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Polucha, Jeff                              9.0N /  9           235.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         9.2N /  9           226.0
Black, Tom                                12.0N / 12           199.0
Polucha, Craig                            13.0N / 13           191.0
Silverman, Al                             18.2N / 18           185.0

Borden, Steve                              8.2N /  8           182.0
Polucha, Collin                           15.9N / 15           177.0
Jarest, jake                              11.6N / 11           145.0
Blennerhasset, Bill                       13.0N / 13           138.0
Johnson, Bob                              14.9N / 15           135.0

James, Pat                                 8.6N /  8           133.0
Hackman, Ed                               13.2N / 13           124.0
Johnson, Mark                              8.3N /  8           123.0
Keefe, Paula                              11.1N / 11           114.0
Bouley, Mary Ellen                        20.2N / 19           107.0

Arbige, Ray                               14.9N / 15           105.0
Chandonnet, Dave                          14.4N / 14           105.0
Benson, Glenn                             14.3N / 14            76.0
Tetreault, Phil                           11.0N / 11            75.0
Miller, John                              14.5N / 14            64.0

Dinwoodie, Bonnie                         20.2N                 54.0
Goodrich, Bob                             14.9N / 15            49.0
Ruday, Walt                               11.0N / 11            48.0
Polucha, Joyce                            20.2N / 19            43.0
Traynor, Mary                             18.0N / 35            32.0

Tom                                       99.9                  30.0
Cabral, John                              99.9                  24.0
Francis, Steve                            12.0N / 12            19.0
Paula won CTP

- Scores for 08-15-12 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net    Points
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score   Today
Benson, Glenn                   56      14      42      12.0
Gross   5  5  8  6  8  7  8  5  4   56  

Black, Tom                      46      12      34      20.0
Gross   5  5  6  5  4  5  7  5  4   46  

Charpentier, Gerry              44       9      35      19.0
Gross   5  4  6  7  5  4  5  4  4   44  

Jarest, jake                    53      11      42      13.0
Gross   7  4  7  8  5  5  7  4  6   53  

Keefe, Paula                    41      11      30      24.0
Gross   3  4  6  6  4  4  7  4  3   41  

Polucha, Craig                  52      13      39      15.0
Gross   6  4  6  5  5  8  8  7  3   52  

Polucha, Jeff                   44       9      35      18.0
Gross   5  5  6  6  6  5  3  4  4   44  

Polucha, Joyce                  61      19      42      12.0
Gross   8  8  7  7  7  5  9  5  5   61  

Silverman, Al                   60      18      42      12.0
Gross   6  5  8  7  7  8  7  6  6   60  

Tetreault, Phil                 63      11      52       1.0
Gross   7  7  7  8  6  7  8  7  6   63  

Thursday, August 9, 2012

- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Polucha, Jeff                              8.7N /  8           217.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         8.9N /  9           207.0
Borden, Steve                              8.2N /  8           182.0
Black, Tom                                12.1N / 12           178.0
Polucha, Collin                           15.9N / 15           177.0

Polucha, Craig                            13.0N / 13           175.0
Silverman, Al                             18.2N / 18           173.0
Blennerhasset, Bill                       13.0N / 13           137.0
Johnson, Bob                              14.9N / 15           135.0
James, Pat                                 8.6N /  8           133.0

Jarest, jake                              11.6N / 11           132.0
Hackman, Ed                               13.2N / 13           125.0
Johnson, Mark                              8.3N /  8           123.0
Bouley, Mary Ellen                        20.2N / 19           107.0
Arbige, Ray                               14.9N / 15           105.0

Chandonnet, Dave                          14.4N / 14           105.0
Keefe, Paula                              11.9N / 11            90.0
Tetreault, Phil                            9.7N /  9            74.0
Miller, John                              14.5N / 14            64.0
Benson, Glenn                             14.3N / 14            63.0

Dinwoodie, Bonnie                         20.2N / 19            54.0
Goodrich, Bob                             14.9N / 15            49.0
Ruday, Walt                               11.0N / 11            48.0
Traynor, Mary                             18.0N / 17            32.0
Polucha, Joyce                            20.2N / 19            31.0

Cabral, John                              99.9  / 35            24.0
Francis, Steve                            12.0N / 12            19.0
Ed Hackman won CTP on the 16th.

- Scores for 08-08-12 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net    Points
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score   Today
Benson, Glenn                   50      13      37      13.0
Gross   7  3  6  4  5  7  5  7  6   50  

Black, Tom                      51      11      40      11.0
Gross   6  6  8  3  5  6  4  5  8   51  

Blennerhasset, Bill             53      12      41       9.0
Gross   8  6  6  5  6  7  3  5  7   53  

Borden, Steve                   40       8      32      18.0
Gross   4  4  5  4  4  4  3  5  7   40  

Chandonnet, Dave                58      14      44       6.0
Gross   8  6  8  6  5  8  5  4  8   58  

Charpentier, Gerry              40       9      31      19.0
Gross   5  5  6  3  3  5  3  5  5   40  

Hackman, Ed                     44      14      30      20.0
Gross   4  3  5  4  4  6  3  7  8   44  

Jarest, jake                    46      11      35      16.0
Gross   5  4  8  3  4  6  4  7  5   46  

Polucha, Craig                  47      12      35      16.0
Gross   5  4  6  3  3  8  4  7  7   47  

Polucha, Jeff                   44       8      36      14.0
Gross   6  4  6  5  4  5  4  5  5   44  

Polucha, Joyce                  64      19      45       6.0
Gross   8  6  8  6  6  8  6  8  8   64  

Silverman, Al                   54      18      36      14.0
Gross   7  4  7  6  5  6  6  8  5   54  

Tetreault, Phil                 47       9      38      12.0
Gross   7  4  5  4  6  6  4  5  6   47  

Traynor, Mary                   48      17      31      20.0
Gross   6  6  6  4  4  6  5  4  7   48  

Friday, August 3, 2012

- Standings Report -
                                          Handicap or
Name                                      Index / Hcp          Points
Polucha, Jeff                              8.7N /  8           203.0
Charpentier, Gerry                         9.4N /  9           188.0
Polucha, Collin                           15.9N / 15           177.0
Black, Tom                                11.6N / 11           167.0
Borden, Steve                              8.2N /  8           164.0

Polucha, Craig                            12.6N / 12           159.0
Silverman, Al                             18.2N / 18           159.0
Johnson, Bob                              14.9N / 15           135.0
James, Pat                                 8.6N /  8           133.0
Blennerhasset, Bill                       12.2N / 12           128.0

Johnson, Mark                              8.3N /  8           123.0
Jarest, jake                              11.0N / 11           116.0
Bouley, Mary Ellen                        20.2N / 19           107.0
Arbige, Ray                               14.9N / 15           105.0
Hackman, Ed                               14.2N / 14           105.0

Chandonnet, Dave                          14.0N / 14            99.0
Keefe, Paula                              11.9N / 11            90.0
Miller, John                              14.5N / 14            64.0
Tetreault, Phil                            9.7N /  9            62.0
Dinwoodie, Bonnie                         20.2N                 54.0

Benson, Glenn                             13.4N / 13            50.0
Goodrich, Bob                             14.9N / 15            49.0
Ruday, Walt                               11.0N / 11            48.0
Polucha, Joyce                            20.2N / 19            25.0
Cabral, John                              99.9                  24.0

Francis, Steve                            12.0N / 12            19.0
Traynor, Mary                             18.0N / 35            12.0
Correction: CTP was won by Paula

- Scores for 08-01-12 / Hole-by-Hole Gross -
                              Gross   Course    Net
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score
Arbige, Ray                     53      15      38
Gross   7  5  6  5  6  6  8  4  6   53  

Benson, Glenn                   52      13      39
Gross   5  5  8  8  6  6  5  6  3   52  

Black, Tom                      46      11      35
Gross   6  6  5  5  6  4  5  5  4   46  

Blennerhasset, Bill             50      12      38
Gross   6  4  5  5  6  7  7  4  6   50  

Borden, Steve                   44       8      36
Gross   6  6  4  5  4  5  6  5  3   44  

Chandonnet, Dave                51      14      37
Gross   5  8  6  6  6  6  5  4  5   51  

Charpentier, Gerry              44       9      35
Gross   4  6  5  5  4  5  6  5  4   44  

Hackman, Ed                     50      14      36
Gross   8  4  6  8  5  4  6  4  5   50  

James, Pat                      43       8      35
Gross   5  5  5  5  5  5  6  4  3   43  

Jarest, jake                    46      11      35
Gross   6  6  5  4  6  6  5  4  4   46  

Keefe, Paula                    47      11      36
Gross   5  6  5  6  5  4  7  6  3   47  

Polucha, Collin                 50      15      35
Gross   6  4  5  7  5  5  8  5  5   50  

Polucha, Jeff                   44       8      36
Gross   6  4  5  5  5  5  5  6  3   44  

Tetreault, Phil                 52       9      43
Gross   6  4  8  5  6  6  8  5  4   52