Thursday, May 10, 2018

May 9th.
There was no CTP winner. $28 will carry forward. ($27 plus $1 leftover from Quota)

Quota winners. There were 10 players and therefore $10 to split. There was a 4 way tie with 20 points each, for first getting $2 each (Greer, Keefe, McCarthy, James) and $1 to Tom Black with 19 points.

  9hole Date 9-May
Name hcp Gr Score Tot Pts $$
Arbige, Ray 12N      
Benson, Glenn 13N      
Black, Tom 10N 45 19 $1
Blennerhassett, Bill 15N      
Borden, Steve 5N 47 12  
Bourque, Ted 9N 51 12  
Goodridge, Bob 12N      
Greer, Nancy 17N 59 20 $2
Hackman, Ed 12N      
James, Pat 14N 48 20 $2
Jarest, Jake 8N      
Keefe, Paula 13N 47 20 $2
McCarthy, Mike 7N 41 20 $2
Lai, CK 18N      
Lai, Helen 20N      
Partridge, Tom 11N      
Polucha, Collin 13N      
Polucha, Craig 8N 52 10  
Polucha, Jeff 7N 46 17  
Polucha, Joyce 20N      
Reid, Steve 11N      
Seifts, Richard 9N 46 17  
Silverman, Alan 15N      
Tetreault, Phil 16N      
Carry over to CTP       $1

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