Saturday, June 13, 2020

June 10, 2020 CTP was won by Rich on 13.

Scores for 06-10-20 / Total Gross and Net 06-13-2020
Competition handicaps: all Indexes reduced to 95% of full value

                              Gross   Course    Net
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score
Auger, Michele                  60      18      42
Benson, Glenn                   49      14      35
Black, Tom                      43      10      33
Blennerhasset, Bill             61      18      43
Borden, Steve                   41       7      34

Bourque, Ted                    40      10      30
Greer, Nancy                    50      17      33
Keefe, Paula                    40      11      29
O'Dell,Dale                     40       8      32
O'Dell,Sandy                    56      18      38

Polucha, Craig                  42      12      30
Polucha, Joyce                  59      18      41
R,Roger                         52      15      37
Seifts, Richard                 39       8      31
Silverman, Al                   48      16      32

Smith,Kieren                    47      11      36

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