Sunday, June 7, 2020

June 3, 2020
Craig won CTP on 9 - again!

Scores for 06-03-20 / Total Gross and Net 06-07-2020
Competition handicaps: all Indexes reduced to 95% of full value

                              Gross   Course    Net
Name                          Score    Hcp.    Score
Auger, Michele                  66      20      46
Benson, Glenn                   50      15      35
Black, Tom                      49      11      38
Borden, Steve                   47       7      40
Bourque, Ted                    57      11      46

Greer, Nancy                    53      18      35
Keefe, Paula                    47      12      35
O'Dell,Dale                     44       8      36
O'Dell,Sandy                    62      20      42
Polucha, Craig                  48      13      35

Polucha, Jeff                   46       9      37
Polucha, Joyce                  70      20      50
Seifts, Richard                 48       9      39
Silverman, Al                   53      17      36
Smith,Kieren                    54      10      44

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